Friday, November 21, 2008

How You Can Stop Sweaty Feet With 3 Simple Steps

I have had sweaty feet for as long as I can remember and it has always been really embarrassing or just plain uncomfortable to live with it. I was in numerous situations, where I got embarrassed or even laughed at for my condition.

And the smell or the constant shoe replacing didn't help either... I didn't really believe there is a cure for sweaty feet or I did know there is always surgery, but I didn't really want to do that. I wanted something that is easy, fast, reliable, cheap and safe!

Yes I was searching for a miracle cure. But guess what, I actually found it! Well at first I just stumbled upon a treatment called iontophoresis and since the device used to preform the treatment costs around $1000, I started searching for a way I could somehow replicate the procedure.

So I found out that the actual device works on a really simple principle, it is just that the big companies try to exploit people like us that are desperate for a cure to make us reach deep into our pockets for a solution.

So I made my own iontophoresis device and it worked perfectly, I also gave it to my friends and their friends and it worked for them as well. The treatment is 98% successful and my homemade device is even more effective than the commercial devices.

And the best part is, that it is so simple even a 10 year old kid could build it and use it! The treatment is completely painless, you can make the device from parts you already have at home and you can build it in under 10 minutes. There are just 3 simple steps you need to do to make the device.

1. Get a couple of batteries, wires and two aluminum containers

2. Connect the wires with the batteries and wire them together with the containers

3. Put your feet into the water and cure your feet from sweating

Now it is a little bit more complicated than this, but the basic principle is that right there. Imagine how you will feel when your problem is finally gone and how happy you will finally be when you don't ever have to worry about your feet sweating.

So STOP wasting your time and energy for remedies that never work. I've created a method that guarantees to cure YOUR sweaty feet in just 5 days Click HERE to learn exactly how!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Risk of Alzheimer's Reduced by Antioxidants

Antioxidants are delightful little things that are present in nature, especially in food. They combat free radicals, that in turn damage cells. They have been identified as being beneficial for anti aging, against certain forms of cancer as well as brain cell related illnesses.

Fresh fruit is a great source of antioxidants, and amongst the top contenders for being rich in antioxidants are berries.

There are different kinds of berries, such as black and red berries, blue berries and strawberries. Just as a matter of principle you should include these in your diet - the fresher the better.

Blackcurrants are a type of berry. They are thought to be able to reduce the risk of progression of Alzheimer's.

Blackcurrants and Alzheimer's.

Scientists from the Scottish Crop Research Institute (SCRI) announced in a briefing paper that they are working on a project that is trying to identify bio active compounds in blackcurrants thought to be capable of reducing the risk of progression of Alzheimer's disease.

The information goes on to state that the compounds are extracted from the waste produced when blackcurrants are processed and are believed to protect and may help in the treatment of dementia.

The project these scientists are working on is looking to find cost-effective ways turning the black currant compounds into functional food ingredients.

Other Research.

There have been quite a few other researches that indicate that a high dietary intake of vitamin C and vitamin E may lower the risk of Alzheimer disease.

These researches have made allowances for a series of variables, such as age, sex, alcohol intake, education, smoking habits, and others, but do state that vitamin C and E may lower the risk.

The news from the SCRI is very motivating, as they are stating that the bio active compounds in black currants may (there is always a "may") reduce the risk of "progression". In other words once the illness has struck. Obviously a lot more research has to take place, but it sure sounds good.

The other researches refer to a reduction in the risk of getting Alzheimer's, in other words it is preventive.

So, apart from not smoking, reducing your alcohol intake, you should consume more fresh fruit.

In the first place you now have preliminary information regarding black currants as well as vitamin C and E.

Vitamin C and E Rich Food

Some fruits that are Vitamin C rich are:

  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit (especially pink)
  • Papaya
  • Kiwi Fruit (green and yellow)
  • Black Currants * (surprised?)
  • Guava, tropical
  • Mangoes

And for Vitamin E rich food, you have:
  • Avocados
  • Tomatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Blackberries
  • Mangoes
  • Salmon
  • Nuts

You can't go wrong with a balanced diet and here you have enough fruit and vegetable ingredients to enjoy one.

Philip Robinson writes on many subjects including natural health and eco-living. In his blog Antioxidant Zone you will find much more information on antioxidants and how they help us maintain our health. To learn more visit: and

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cold Sore Remedies Information

Cold sores are caused by virus which is commonly known as herpes simplex virus type 1. Actually, there is no real cure for cold sore, but for cold sore remedies, there are many antiviral medications that can be prescribed to treat the infection. If you have cold sore as caused by virus, there may not be much that you can do to take the virus away, but you can do many simple ways to prevent it from coming back.

Immune system is the key to a healthy skin and physical condition. Cold sores are prevalent to people with weaker immune system. Antiviral medications to treat herpes viruses use viral replication to provide chances for the immune response to intervene.

Antiviral medications for cold sore remedies are available in oral drugs. Among the antiviral drugs are acyclovir, valaciclovir, famciclovir, and penciclovir. All of these are now available in generic brands for affordability. Some of these drugs have improved solubility in water.

Antiviral medications also come in topical treatments or cream for direct application to the infected area. Some antiviral creams can prevent and block the herpes simplex virus from intermingling to other cell membranes. Some antiviral medications are also available in gel form. It can stop the virus from entering and spreading into the skin cells. Topical analgesic is also available in the pharmacies. It serves as a shield of the skin and prevents the increase in size of cold sores.

There are also traditional and natural cold sore remedies. Among the natural remedies are aloe vera extract, herb chaparral, grapefruit seed extract, camphor, myrrh, tea, lemon balm, cornstarch, Vaseline, yogurt, and ice. Gentle rubbing and regular application of these natural remedies to the affected area may soothe the sore and speed the healing process.

Some of the vitamins and minerals are also proven to aid in the treatment of cold sores. Taking daily dose of vitamins such as vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E, L-lysine, folic acid, Zinc, and other minerals that can improve your body resistance, are advised by medical specialist. It will not only boost your immune system to fight the virus, it will also improve your antibodies to stop and hinder the cold sores from coming back frequently.

Prevention is always better than cure, especially if the disease is caused by viruses. To prevent frequent recurrence of cold sore, involve yourself in a good eating habit by eating fruits and vegetables and by drinking milk regularly. You should also get enough sleep and avoid being stressed out because it triggers the cold sores to appear. Another advice is to avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen protection especially to the areas where cold sores appear.

Cold sores are contagious, so to protect other family members, who do not have cold sores from being infected as well, do not allow them to share utensils, glass, beddings, clothes, personal things, and towels. As much as possible, boost their immune system while they are not yet infected, by giving them vitamin supplements and healthy choice of foods.

Cure your cold sores or herpes simplex type I naturally from the comfort of your own home without using worthless creams and over-the-counter medicines:

Senna Herb Natural Laxative - Relief With Senna Tea & Recipes For Remedies

Senna is a natural herb commonly used for its laxative properties. It is an ingredient in several commercial laxative products such as Ex Lax and Senokot. Senna leaves and pods contain compounds called anthraquinones, which are powerful laxatives. Anthraquinones are categorized as stimulant laxatives. They work by aggravating the lining of the lower intestinal tract and causing contractions which gives us the "urge to go" and push out waste. Anthraquinones also absorbs more water, producing a softer stool that makes it easier to pass. Senna laxatives may take 6 hours to 12 hours to work.

Senna should not be used for more than seven consecutive days unless under a doctor's care. Over use can cause lazy bowel syndrome, which causes your body to forget how to produce a bowel movement on its own without the use of more laxatives. Do not use senna or other anthraquinones if you have hemorrhoids, blood vessel disease, stomach ulcers, diverticular disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, or any inflammatory bowel disease or gastrointestinal disorders.

Dried senna has an extremely bitter and unpleasant taste. It can also cause painful intestinal cramping due to muscle contractions. It is recommended to combine stimulant herbs such as senna with tasty ones like peppermint, ginger, and fennel, and licorice. In addition to giving senna a more pleasant taste, it relaxes the intestines, lessens the effects of cramping and make senna more tolerable to take. Senna can be found as capsules, tablets, liquid extracts, and dried root. There are also food recipes containing senna that can "get you going."

Senna and Prunes

Boil one ounce of senna leaves gently in one quart of water. Strain off leaves and simmer liquid with one pound of prunes until all or most of liquid has been absorbed. Eat one to three prunes every two to three nights.

Senna Bars

In a food processor mix the following ingredients:

12 oz. raisins
12 oz. dates
12 oz. prunes
8 oz. figs
2 oz. senna leaves or ground senna (in health food stores).

Spread in a greased 8"x12" pan and press down the mixture, about an inch deep. Top with graham cracker crumbs. Cut into 1 x 1 inch bars. Try 1 bar a day to start. You may be able to reduce to 1/2 bar later on. The bars can be frozen.

Kaaryn Walker is the editor of - a website providing information on causes, symptoms and relief from constipation. To learn more about remedies for constipation in infants, adults, and seniors visit No More Constipation.

The Secret to Self-Healing - Programming and Activating Your Healing Response

If everybody knew about something, it wouldn't really be a secret; now would it? Well, very few people grow up hearing about such things as self-healing; I know I didn't. I had actually been trained to believe in medicine and technology and insurance and hospitals; and it was almost 40-years before I realized what it meant to have control over my own health - to be able to choose illness or wellness with nothing more than my choice of thoughts. Now I want to give you that secret; and you should pass it on, too. No person should keep a secret when "spilling the beans," or, "letting the cat out of the bag," could help someone reclaim their quality of life - or possibly even save their life by helping them overcome a potentially life-threatening condition. By the time you've finished reading this article, you'll understand how you can heal yourself and maintain perpetual wellness.

Your body's natural state is one of life, growth, health, and harmony; if it wasn't, you couldn't exist, survive, or thrive. You are built and wired for life and happiness. And then, some of us are programmed for struggle, stress, drama, and illness. But we all have internal healing mechanisms that are designed to operate automatically. Your immune system is always healing and building your body - unless, of course, you are stressed out. That's right; when you are experiencing stress, your body shuts down your immune system - allowing you to become ill, among other things. Struggle, drama, fears, doubts, and any negative thought or emotion, are indicators of stress; whenever you feel as if you don't have enough mental, physical, emotional, or financial resources to meet a given situation, your body automatically goes into the stress-response - or, the "fight, flight, or freeze-response." And, when that happens, your body shuts down your immune system, your reproductive system, and your digestive system - and other systems, as well. Chronic problems in any of these areas are simply indicators of chronic stress - signs of these systems being in a chronic, or constant, state of dysfunction, disrepair, or non-functionality.

To turn-on your healing response, you must turn-off your stress response. The stress-response will actually turn itself off automatically after a few minutes - as soon as you start thinking less-stressful thoughts about your situation. From the time you recognize the fact that you are thinking stressful, or negative, thoughts and make the decision to think new, positive thoughts, you will have to endure the feelings of stress for a few minutes after you change your thinking - just long enough for the short-lived adrenaline, and other stress hormones, to dissipate. Regardless of the method of emotional self-management you employ, you will always have to make the decision to stop doing what you're doing and actually use the method or tool to resolve the stressful thinking or response - and you have to stick with and honor that decision. It takes a small amount of focus and discipline; but the rewards to your health, longevity and relationships alone are well worth the energy and attention required to gain emotional self-mastery. Until you are a master of your own emotions, you are a slave to them; and emotions - specifically negative emotions - are precursors to struggle, illness, and suffering. Learning to manage your thoughts and emotions will dramatically improve your overall quality of life in many ways.

The awareness of the stress response, and how it works, will help you stay calm when facing drama; once you understand what stress is, what it can do (stress is blamed for up to 90% of all trips to the doctor's office), and how easily it can be controlled, it will become harder and harder for you to let yourself get away with staying angry, afraid, depressed, ill, or a victim of anything. The stress response is ultimately responsible for all unwanted weight gain and retention; and stress also negatively affects performance in every other area of your life. You can turn-off stress, however; you can learn to master your thoughts and emotions. When you do, you are well on your way to healing yourself and managing your own health. Once you understand how to turn-off stress and turn-on healing, all you have to do is program your body for wellness.

One of the worst habits you can develop is to constantly state the obvious - especially when you are speaking negatively of your health, life, or body. When you don't feel good, there is no benefit to announcing that apparent fact to yourself - or anyone else - over and over again. Likewise, when you are injured, there is no benefit to making a big show out of it. If you need help, ask for it; but, for the most part, illness and injuries heal on their own, so that's what you should declare and affirm. The instant you become aware of a symptom or injury, you are already healing and you should affirm that reality to yourself rather than a reality that features you falling apart and suffering. For example, if you cut your leg, by the time you realized it, your body would have already started the process of healing by washing the cut out with blood, sealing the cut with the clotting factors in the blood, and repairing and rebuilding skin cells, nerve cells, etc, under the cover of a temporary "bandage" (called a "scab") built automatically by your body. Even pain and soreness are vital signals that keep you from undoing the repair work, or further damaging yourself while still in a weakened state. There are obvious benefits to applying direct pressure, or seeking professional help for serious conditions; but ancient wisdom reminds us that, "The physician dresses the wound and healing comes from within." The one thing you can know is this: If you're feeling it, it's healing.

When you're ill or injured, you can reason through this on your own; but it helps to develop programming that kicks-in automatically when you need it. I have an affirmation I say every time I become aware of pain, or other physical symptoms, that reminds me that I am not sick or injured - I'm healing. My affirmation is: "All I'm Feeling Is Healing." And it's true; you are always feeling good, healing, or dying - which is also a form of healing, and shouldn't be anchored, or connected, to concepts of fear or punishment. When I become aware of discomfort, I reflect on recent stresses in my life and apply forgiveness, release, and my affirmation, "All I'm Feeling Is Healing!" I practice this diligently; and it has become automatic for me - as it can for you. As a result, any time I become aware of tension or discomfort in my body, my mind immediately and automatically begins affirming my good health and healing - turning off the stress response and minimizing the harmful effects of stress while accelerating the healing process. Affirm your health daily; and reaffirm your health and healing until the healing response becomes as automatic as the stress response. With a little thought and practice, you can learn to manage your emotional state and turn stress into an automatic signal to activate healing - dramatically improving your overall quality of life.

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears, phobias, negative emotions, physical symptoms and limiting beliefs that could be holding you back and keeping you sick!)

Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit:

Learn More About Colon Cleanse XR and Internal Colon Cleansing

Pollutants are in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. These toxins are introduced into our bodies and lodge inside our tissues. Many toxins are introduced through into our digestive system and get stuck in our colon. By using a product such as Colon Cleanse xR to complete an internal colon cleanse we are able to rid out bodies of the toxins that get stuck in the folds and crevices of our intestine thereby preventing their absorption into our bodies.

Illnesses Associated with Dirty Colon

Many illnesses are attributed to the toxins that build up in our bodies. By ridding ourselves of these poisons we can expect to help alleviate the following health problems that are all connected to an unclean colon:

  • Headaches
  • Colon/Rectal Cancer
  • Acne
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Susceptibility to illness
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

Advantages of an Internal Colon Cleanse

Using an herbal cleansing product such as Colon Cleanse xR provides the following advantages:

  • Reduction in the chance of contracting colon cancer
  • Elimination of potential lethal toxins.
  • Weight loss.
  • The herbal ingredients provide a natural cleanse devoid of harsh medications.

Maintaining a Clean Colon

After an internal colon cleanse it is very important to try and maintain the colon's health. The key to a healthy colon is ingestion of natural fiber. Sufficient fiber in the daily diet will help prevent some forms of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. In addition fiber helps the body to naturally cleanse itself. The U.S Surgeon General recommends a minimum of approximately 20-35 grams of fiber a day.

By keeping the colon clean of waste build up many common ailments might be prevented. A poor diet full of processed foods contributes to this build up in the colon.. Natural cleansers such as Colon Cleanse xR help the body get rid of the waste and eliminate toxins contained therein. With a diet high in natural fibers and a regimen of internal colon cleanse, the body can stay in peak condition for years to come.

Many people don't realize the importance of good colon health. A proper internal colon cleanse can make all the difference in good and bad health. Learn more about colon cleansing and see reviews of popular products at

Herbal Remedy For Constipation

The certain thing that one must keep in mind is that the remedies should not happen to be used continuously for a lengthy period of time. These herbal remedies should be used between two to four days, not longer than two weeks in addition it should be used for its purpose alone, which is to eliminate constipation. The remedy would take many weeks to relief your constipation.

Several herbal combinations or herbal mixtures are available that could perfect the function of the colon and also getting the bowels regularized. Any topic concerning nutrition is very important to constipation. In miscellaneous cases, constipation is a sway of not making ample fibre plus water in our everyday diet. As a result it is suggested that you prolong your diet that is well to do with fibre. Don't put out of your mind to down cups of water. Fiber as well as water are allotment of natural remedies to support you to evade constipation.

Using Bael Fruit as a herbal remedy has proven to be positive in treating constipation. Bael fruit is noted to stand the best of any laxative given that treats constipation. Obtain it from its chief make correct prior feast. Sixty grams of the fruit is the most excellent dosage for an adult.

You actually don't need drugs for the relief of constipation....

Papaya is an acceptable source of fiber. It consist of papain, an enzyme that helps outline proteins. Concentrated amounts of papain and enzymes are mostly found in unripe papaya. This enzyme helps bog down the accumulation of mucoprotein (partially digested protein) in the body in addition to lymphatic system. Thence, the unripe papaya is in contemplation to have plenty protection powers for constipation than the ripe one.

Obtain atleast 2 jiggers of tepid water from sun up and set off for a tiny walk; this may support in mitigating constipation. Keep in mind that most treatments should be used for a very short period of time, two to four days and not longer than 2 weeks. They should be used as needed to lucid your constipation. This can be competently 4 or 5 times or sometimes it could obtain quite a lot of weeks. There are various herbal combinations that may be good for longer duration. These combinations would better your colon's wellness and also make your bowels flowing once more.

Eat added green leafy vegetables, whole grains with fruits. Variant pregnant women declare by ingesting many pieces of prunes or a serving of of age-fashioned oatmeal every day. Prune or apple juice may also stand efficient.

Drink an 8 ounce pane of warm sauerkraut juice followed immediately by an 8 ounce glass of grapefruit juice (unsweetened).

Easing anxiety at home is a succor for constipation too. Recreation would loosen your bowels. When anyone is scared or edgy their mouth dries up as well as their heart pound increases. This likewise causes the bowels to contract as well. A slow tape, a satisfactory textbook, a curious flick plus a tolerable comrade - these are diverse house medicines that may heal or curtail constipation, home remedies are good for our overall mental, emotional and also physical well being. Laughing is specifically constructive, thus it massages the intestines with this helps digestion.

Aloe vera Helps form soft stools. Promotes healing and cleansing of the digestive tract.Garlic (Kyolic)Kills bad bacteria. Vitamin C Promotes cleansing and healing. Buffered form is recommended. Alfalfa Extract and Fennel Seed Tea Good source of nutrients that help boost a sluggish appetite and relieve constipation. It also helps to detoxify the body and contains chlorophyll that cleanses the breath. Fennel Seed Tea is also beneficial in cleanses the breath.
Aloe Vera Juice Known as a powerful laxative and one of the best body cleansers and colon cleansers thus aiding in forming soft stools. Milk Thistle, Milk Thistle increases production of bile and helps to protect the intestinal lining, alleviating constipation and softening stools.

Cascara Sagrada Known as a laxative which safely and naturally cleanses the colon thus relieving constipation. Goldenseal Early Native American tribes used this herb extensively for treating digestive problems. Known to increase the flow of digestive enzymes thus easing disorder of the digestive tract such as constipation and indigestion. Rhubarb Root Known as an effective laxative that empties the intestines and cleanses the bowels thoroughly. Senna Leaves Senna Leaves works on the lower bowel, promoting the vigorous evacuation of the bowels. Yerba Mate Yerba Mate is high in mineral content, it helps restore mineral lost in the laxative process. Works as a stimulate, thereby helping to relieve constipation.

Mavies Osagie
For more info visit

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Acai Berry 500 - Benefits of Natural Detox and Cleansing

The Acai berry grows as a wild berry cluster at the top of native palm trees in the Amazon jungle much like grapes on a vine. The Acai berries of the palm are being collected by South American farmers and turned into a drinkable fruit pulp. Berries have been quickly frozen and can be used to make smoothies. This fruit pulp can withhold its colossal nutritional value even while being shipped around the globe. Acai berries are known for their rich dark black color that gives a purplish hue, as well as for being a deliciously tart tasting berry with a slightly chocolate flavor - a source of many powerful antioxidant nutrients too!

The Acai berry is believed to promote health in the human cardiovascular muscle. The Acai berry has proven overflowing source of compounds known as Anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are the same compounds thought to give red wine its reputation for being a healthy companion with dinner; however Acai berries contain even stronger levels of Anthocyanins than red wine. Eating Acai berries or drinking its juice will not intoxicated you as with red wine.

Acai berries also contain a great blend of protein and dietary fibers. In addition, Acai berries contain very high levels of omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, acids which are linked to the health and well being of our heart. The fatty acids in the little Acai berry may also play a role in helping to lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood while boosting the good cholesterol.

Over and above these wonderful benefits, Acai berries have shown an important role in reducing the signs of the aging process. In nutritional circles, many feel this anti-aging property is a combination of elevated levels of Anthocyanins as well as the robust antioxidant vitamins found within the fruit. The Acai berry is recognized to contain 10 times the level of antioxidant vitamins as grapes and also 2 times the level of blueberries.

Recently the general public has been able to use global power of the internet. As the reputation of this super fruit continues to grow interest and availability is now on the rise. Everyone across the globe is now able to benefit from the mighty powers of the Acai berry. Check with your favorite Herbal Food store's Web site to see which products may be shipped right to your door! Acai - the name in good health! provides useful information about the benefits of Acai. To learn more about Acai Cleanse visit our website today!

Cinnamon Lowers Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Regulates Diabetes

Research studies have shown that cinnamon will lower type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure by 25% when taken regularly over a two month period. Cinnamon healing powers are due in part to it's antioxidant properties, and has been know to help people with high risk factors such as excessive abdominal fat, high blood sugar and elevated blood pressure combinations.

Growing up I was taught that herbs and spices have wonderful medicinal qualities and should be explored to their fullest potential. It's difficult to explain to most Americans who have access to health care. But, so many countries around the world depend on spices and herbs for their healing properties; from stomach aches to headaches and much more.

One such culture that has been using spices and herbs are the Chinese. For centuries the Chinese have celebrated the healing benefits of spices and herbs in cooking, baking and medicine. These herbs claim to heal from rheumatoid arthritis to PMS, and today the world has rediscovered the many benefits of Chinese herbs. Just like the Chinese, Americans can begin to understand the importants that herbs and spices play in the quality of our lives and take the steps towards educating ourselves for better health.

The healing power of cinnamon also reduces bad cholesterol levels as much as 27% according to leading researchers. I was ecstatic to learn that cinnamon is not just used in cooking, but that it can stabilize normal blood pressure, cholesterol and blood levels of glucose and triglycerides.

Conventional medicine combine with homeopathic remedies are on the rise and I suspect will continue during the baby-boom retirement years. I believe that people are hungry for a more natural alternative. So, whether it's cinnamon or green tea the demand for natural remedies with no side effects will continue to increase.

If you are really serious about improving your health, and want to incorporate the healing powers of cinnamon, then following my link for recommended dosage.

Jennifer Fantroy
You will enjoy this unique and refreshing approach to health advise. Visit often and tell a friend about our products and advise.
For more health tips, recipes, advise, and much more click on the above link.

UTI Home Remedies - 5 Ways to Cure Your Urinary Tract Infection at Home

UTI home remedies have been one of the biggest selling natural remedies on the e-market. Part of the reason is because many people are discovering that urinary tract infections are pretty simple to treat. In most cases, you may be able to eat a specific fruit to cure your infection.

However, the medical industry and pharmaceutical companies would much rather you fork over a few hundred dollars to treat your infection. Did you know that both of these industries are one of the most affluent markets of the 21st century? This is part of the reason why insurance is a major issue across America.

Fact! Because of insurance, medical costs and prescription prices, natural health remedies have been one of the fastest growing treatments in America.

Fact! Many people are now allowing their diet and simple remedies to cure their UTI instead of expensive antibiotics.

Fact! Many times antibiotics don't work for repeat UTI sufferers. It is reported the 25% of the time, bladder infections will reappear for antibiotic users.

Instead of making a $200 trip to the doctor, maybe it is time you make a trip to the grocery store to treat your urinary tract infection?

5 Ways to Cure your Urinary Tract Infection at Home

1. Educating yourself is extremely important. The whole 'mind over matter' concept is important for natural health because all research studies have shown that your mental health and attitude is important to your overall health. You should be convinced that natural remedies will work before you try them.

And the reason why natural remedies work is because they work with the body. For instance, one natural remedy (vitamin C) will boost the body's immunity to fight of the E coli bacteria. Antibiotics work because they literally kill all the bacteria (good and bad bacteria) which will make the urinary tract unbalanced and prone to further infections.

2. Boosting your immunity. As stated earlier, you should be supplementing vitamin C to your daily schedule. We recommend at least 1000 mg during an attack to boost the immune system. We also recommend getting at least 5-7 fruits or vegetables a day along with plenty of water. (Beware of certain fruits that are listed below)

3. Your diet also can help or hinder your infection. During an attack, you should avoid these foods with a high acidic content: coffee, tea, chocolate, oranges, pineapple, strawberries, tomatoes, wine, soft drinks, chicken, steak, corn, eggs and sour cream.

4. Herbal Therapy. Echinacea is often referred to as the king of herbs because it is often used to treat everything including UTIs. This herb can be found in most health stores and can be used to strengthen the immune system. Additionally, it will also help fight off bacterial infections.

5. UTI Natural Remedies! We also recommend try a simple UTI natural remedy that is guaranteed and researched. A great step by step remedy can be found on this UTI Remedy Report.

Cure Your Infection Today!

Cure your UTI in less than 12 hours, is our guaranteed statement! And this is the reason why we have sold over 10,000 UTI Remedy Reports that teach you how to cure your infection at home. And with our extremely high satisfaction rate, we promise you will not be disappointed.

To download your report, visit us today!

Guaranteed! Researched! Natural! Joe Barton and Barton Publishing offer you 22 years of natural health experience and a 100% guaranteed UTI Home Remedy. To download yours, visit us today!

UTI Home Remedies

How to Remove Kidney Stones at Home

As with any medical illness, prevention is better than cure, but it is possible to learn how to remove kidney stones at home. This obviates the need for medical processes such as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy ESWL), Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy and Ureteroscopic stone removal. These all sound just awful, and with the use of natural remedies kidney stones are able to be eliminated at home in just a few brief hours.

In terms of the prevention of kidney stones developing, preventative methods include modifications to the diet, and ensuring that the body is properly hydrated by drinking adequate fluids, in particular water. Basically you should drink enough fluids to output 2 to 2.5 liters of water daily. Keep the diet low in sodium, nitrogen and protein and restrict foods that are rich in oxalate. These include, but are not restricted to:

* Nuts
* Soybeans
* Chocolate
* Spinach
* Rhubarb
* Cola beverages
* Large doses of Vitamin C

Effectively speaking, prevention needs to encompass some strict lifestyle changes. Foods that are high in calcium have been traditionally recommended to be cut out of the diet. Less meat poultry and fish is to be eaten and the sufferer must avoid foods that are extremely rich in Vitamin D.

In order to prevent cystine stones, a gallon of water is required to be drunk during a 24 hour period. This includes a third of it being consumed during the night. Imagine, getting up all night long to drink water and urinate?

Traditions have changed greatly over the past few years and, natural ways to remove kidney stones at home are now playing a far greater role in treatment methods. Parsley has been used to great success when learning how to remove kidney stones at home. The success of drinking water, together parsley can be traced back as far as Hippocrates. He used it to rid sufferers from both kidney and bladder stones as well as many other ailments. In fact parsley was used by him as a cure all.

Passing kidney stones at home by means of drinking water entails drinking at least 10 glasses of water a day. But it will also mean that you will require pain medication and this could last for weeks or even months. No one really wants to have to be on pain medication for months at a time, and urinating through a tea strainer. A natural way how to remove kidney stones at home is far more preferable.

These natural remedies are often recommended by doctors as they do not have the same side effects as taking strong pain killing medications for lengthy periods. There are other treatments for kidney stone removal, but this include going to the hospital, and also have accompanying side effects such as bleeding and pain.

It is a very scary experience to suffer from kidney stones, it causes a great deal of stress and is extremely painful. Not only this, they are inconvenient, and a natural cure with a rapid response time is available to sufferers.

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Reduce Stress With Ginseng

Ginseng is a common herb that is found in many energy drinks and herbal supplements. We have heard that it can help people in certain ways - but do we even know how? Many of us don't take the time to understand the health benefits that this herb can offer and there are a few.

Ginseng is native to the country of Siberia and other parts of Asia. This herb has been used for several centuries in traditional Chinese medicinal remedies. It has also been used by the Chinese as an energy tonic. Over in the west scientists have been researching the different ways that we can use ginseng in a way that would benefit us. From their research the believe that it could help to reduce stress and help us to think more clearly and be more alert.

Dozens of studies show that when men and women take ginseng it can help to reduce their level of stress. The studies of the effects that the herb has on people who took a regular ginseng supplement were more able to cope with high levels of physical and emotional stress when compared to those who had never before taken the herb.

This particular herb is made up of compounds that are unique to only this plant. Several of these elements have a very strong effect on a person's adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys. The adrenal glands work to release hormones in order to fight off emotional and physical stress. Through research scientists believe that the effect ginseng has on the adrenal glands is what helps to fight off the stress.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is something that many doctors have been unable to piece together and successfully treat. Yet, they think they might have found the cure with ginseng. While this is not yet the set treatment - but many patients have seen an improvement when taking regular supplements of ginseng.

If you are looking to purchase ginseng make sure you find one that has been processed as little as possible. While ginseng has obvious health benefits it is still a good idea to ask your doctor if you want to take it for a specific reason.

herbs, herbs, and other plants can be used for many things and some of them must be avoided all together. Understanding how to identify them and what they can do for us is something that many of us need to understand.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

5 Reasons Why an Internal Colon Cleanse May Be Right For You

When your colon does not remove waste from the body, you will begin to experience all kinds of side effects. Doctors believe that the common illnesses are because of poor colon health.

Here are 5 reasons why you need an internal colon cleanse.

  • 1. Everyday, possible deadly chemicals and dangerous pathogens invade you, whether you like it or not. Subjection to polluted air, genetically modified foods, pesticides, and cleaning chemicals can disturb your immune system. Your immune system plays an important role in protecting your body against toxins. It also helps your body to heal. When you compromise your immune system, you are exposed to all forms of sickness and disease. Malnutrition causes most common sicknesses. Poor diet and ineffective absorption of nutrients in the intestinal tract can also make you sick. If you want to improve your immune system, you need to make sure that it receives essential nutrients. Proper absorption of nutrients depends on the how healthy your colon is.
  • 2. If your colon does not get rid of toxins efficiently, some of them will stay in your body. These toxins can slow down the healing and regeneration process. Common side effects such as bloating and bad breath begin to set in.
  • 3. Our modern lifestyle makes it easy for you to take over the counter medications, alcohol, and caffeine regularly. This further stresses the function of your colon.
  • 4. You don't consume enough fiber. Most of our diets are rich in fats, sugar, and carbohydrates. Not to mention processed products. With all this junk, our bodies are not receiving the nutrients they need to function properly. In addition, the unhealthy foods cause your colon to protect itself by producing mucus and sludge. Layers and layers of mucus and sludge will continue to develop. This places strain on your bowel to eliminate efficiently. The waste materials will stick to the walls of your colon. They will build up slowly and over time become toxic, which makes your body susceptible to disease.
  • 5. The break down of your body does not happen overnight. It is a long, drawn out process. That is why you are not aware when it is happening. Once it reaches an alarming stage, severe problems will begin. At this point, your body cannot get rid of the toxins properly. Eventually, many diseases will begin to develop. Your body cannot heal itself without cleansing the colon first.

In fact, you don't need to do an internal colon cleanse if you eat lots of organic fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. However, for many people, that this is unlikely to happen. The modern day diet does not promote this type of regular eating. We consume too much meat, high fat and sugar foods, dairy products, processed foods, and junk foods. These foods are not friendly to your colon.

It becomes a necessity to cleanse your colon if you want to get rid of harmful pathogens and toxins. You don't realize that your body houses dangerous organisms. Their presence can affect your health. By doing an internal colon cleanse, you not only remove the poisonous toxins, but also make your body almost impossible for these toxins to live in.

Many people don't realize the importance of good colon health. A proper internal colon cleanse can make all the difference in good and bad health. Learn more about colon cleansing and see reviews of popular products at

How I Cured My Palms From Sweating Without ETS and Botox Injections

Through all the years I've spent searching for a cure to stop my palms from sweating I've usually always come to the same conclusion. I thought I'll either need to do ETS surgery or have Botox injected in my palms.

See, almost every doctor out there will tell you that the only real cures currently available are botox injections and ETS surgery. Don't worry, if you don't know what these are I'll try to explain it in simple terms.

By injecting Botox in your palms it somehow blocks your sweat glands and your palms stop sweating for three to six months. Downsides are that it loses it's effect in time, you have to do it every six months, it's extremely painful and you need to pay thousands of dollars for it.

ETS on the other hand is not as painful as Botox but it's way riskier and usually leaves people with horrible side effects like compensatory sweating. This makes a lot of peoples lives even worse then before. ETS is also really expensive if it's not covered with your insurance policy.

So after realizing that these cures which will allegedly stop my palms from sweating aren't safe and cost a lot of money I've decided to find something that's completely different.

This is when I've stumbled on iontophoresis machines and I've decided that I just want to test one out. After creating my own device I've started using it and at the start it seemed as if it won't work but after just 5 days my palms completely stopped sweating. Not only did it cure my palms from sweating but it was also really cheap!

And now I want to show you how to build your own iontophoresis machine. I have created a step by step manual that guides you and helps you stop your palms from sweating in just 5 days. Click here now: stop your palms from sweating.

How to Stop Excessive Sweating - 3 Ways to Beat Excessive Sweating

Embarrassing topics such as how to stop excessive sweating are not commonly discussed in social gatherings. However, that doesn't mean such a condition doesn't exist. It can be downright uncomfortable, especially when you always have to work with other people.

Excessive perspiration (also called hyperhidrosis) is not just caused by one specific agent. If you happen to experience something like this and want to know how to stop excessive sweating, then this article might provide the cure to solve your excessive perspiration problems.

1) Begin with the basics.

If you aren't using an anti-perspirant, now is the time to start. Most anti-perspirants also come with a deodorant feature as well, so you won't have to smell like sweat.

If you're already using one and it's not working, try changing your brand. Not all anti-perspirants are created with the same level of aluminum chloride. Regular anti-perspirants will contain no more than 25% of it. However, there are others (not available over-the-counter), which contain a higher amount.

2) Ask for an oral prescription.

One way on how to stop excessive sweating is by asking for an oral prescription. This is a lot less intrusive than others. It's important for you to know you have this option.

There are many different oral medications for excessive sweating, depending on the nature of your case. For example, your doctor might prescribe certain brands of Anticholinergics for general sweating. However, you should also consider the side effects these prescriptions might have.

3) Surgery

Another option on how to stop excessive sweating is surgery. There are different ways a doctor can deal with your case. Some might cut or scrape your sweat glands out, while others might actually try to disable nerves responsible for body sweating.

Make surgery your last option though, as it is going to be more expensive (and physically painful) than the others.

Presented above are different methods on how to stop excessive sweating. Whichever route you wish to take, always keep your health and safety in mind.

Want to know a very easy method to excessive underarm sweating? Discover the simple secret that a former extreme sweating victim has used to permanently cure his embarrassing sweating problem at

Buy Colon Cleanse and Cleanse Your Body

Buy colon cleanse program? Good decision for your body if you do. There are those who will tell you that colon cleansing is an unnecessary activity. However your body is telling you otherwise. Listening to your body is important and it will often let you know when you need to take action.

The colon is one of the primary organs involved in the bodies detoxification process. Ammonia, a waste byproduct of protein metabolism and bacterial fermentation of food processed in the digestive tract, may be detoxified internally by a healthy elimination system.

The colon and body can only take so much. This is when you should buy colon cleanse kit. The human body is continually internally cleansing. It is a natural ongoing bodily process. A toxin-free body is a healthy body.

Buy colon cleanse program and when you reach the end of it what a great feeling, and it is highly likely that you will have passed much of the mucoid plaque which can be found in your colon. This enables your intestinal tract to do its job properly and remove the toxins from your body efficiently.

The Master Cleanse Secrets 10 Day is a very popular program right now, and is adhered to by a number of celebrity clientele, including singer Beyonce Knowles. The Master Cleanse is a 10 day program that restricts calorie intake and consists of foods and fluids which flush out toxins in your body that contribute to weight gain.

After the process is completed, a healthy diet of raw, fresh foods is recommended to continue weight loss and healthy living.

Learn the secrets to cleansing your body lose weight and feel renewed again. This is an excellent colon cleanse program that lasts for 10 days. The Master Cleanse Secrets is also known as the Lemonade diet.

The Master Cleanse 10 Day is a great way to start cleansing your body. It can help rejuvenate your body and put you back on track, and will also give you an advantage by clearing the body of harmful products.

Simply put, if you buy colon cleanse programs that just don't work then give the Master Cleanse Secrets a try. Click Here and read the complete details of this cleansing program.

Acupuncture As an Acid Reflux Natural Remedy - Fact Or Fiction?

With the risk of side effects and the desire to avoid chemicals and drugs, an acid reflux natural remedy is an attractive solution for many heartburn sufferers.

For this reason and the increased interest in Chinese Medicine many people wonder if there's evidence behind the acupuncture therapies that are offered by many practitioners.

Firstly, let me say that it's hard to tell whether acupuncture will work for you, as there are so many different causes of the condition and everyone reacts differently.

However, within the past few years, there has been significant interest in this topic by the medical community. For example a Taiwanese gastroenterologist recently undertook two acupuncture experiments that were designed to study the effectiveness of traditional eastern medicine as an acid reflux natural remedy.

The study was published in the August 2005 issue of the American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology by Dr. Duowu Zhou, Wei Hao Chen, Katsuhiko Iwakiri, Rachael Rigda, Marcus Tippett and Richard H. Holloway of the Royal Adelaide Hospital, Australia.

In the two experiments it was reported that the transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations (TLESR's), which directly effects acid reflux, were inhibited by electrical acupoint stimulation. This is a high-tech version of the traditional acupuncture procedure. The two experiments used stimulation that was barely felt on the Neiguan acupoint found on the wrist.

This stimulation reduced transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations by a surprising 40% from 6 an hour to just to three and a half an hour. It was also significantly higher than the placebo group, which received "sham" stimulation on the hip, which lowered TLESR's by only 0.02 times per hour.

Of course, whether or not acupuncture would work for you is dependent upon your own unique condition. You may want to try the therapy more than once to test whether or not it will be successful in your own case. You may also want to try traditional forms of acupuncture as an acid reflux natural remedy. It has also been shown to be successful and is typically less expensive than the electrical acupoint stimulation. Moreover, it is more likely to be covered by your health insurance policy.

Acupuncture has been an acid reflux natural remedy for over two thousand years in Chinese medicine. The traditional form has been used up until and including current times to battle the symptoms of GERD, including pain, burning, nausea, and vomiting. Modern research has suggested - as in the case of the experiments at the Royal Adelaide Hospital - that acupuncture functions by altering the way that nerve cells signal one another, and can influence the way the central nervous system releases certain chemicals in the body. It is the recent study, though, that is the first to give evidence that it can, indeed, benefit the function of the lower esophageal sphincter.

Though the study used electro-acupoint instead of the stimulation of needles as the acid reflux natural remedy, the researchers don't see any reason that they should not offer similar results overall as they both apply stimulation to a specific acupuncture point.

As an alternative to acupuncture, with needles or electric stimulation, you could try acupressure. This involves applying pressure on acupuncture points with your fingers and thumbs. You could try this at home by applying pressure to the Neiguan or P6 point on your wrist. This is located on the inside of the wrist between the 2 large tendons. To find the spot for this acid reflux natural remedy hold your hand out and bend it toward you, the Neiguan or P6 point is in the middle of the wrist about two finger-widths from where the hand and wrist meet.

Grab your free copy of Kathryn Whittaker's brand new Acid Reflux & GERD Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover effective acid reflux natural remedy options.

There are currently over 20,000 fellow acid reflux sufferers subscribed to Kathryn's newsletter why not join them and discover acid reflux relief fast.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Urinary Tract Infections in Men and How to Treat Them Naturally

Urinary tract infections in men and women are caused by bacteria such as E coli getting into the urethra. It is believed that men do not get utis as often as women because their urinary tract is longer, making it harder for the bacteria to travel up and invade the bladder and kidneys. Once past age 50, however, the infection becomes almost as frequent as in women--and harder to diagnose.

In younger men, the most common source of urinary tract infection is sexual intercourse. After 50, the other causes of male urinary tract infections become more prominent. These are blockages of the urinary tract such as kidney stones or an enlarged prostate, catheters in the urinary tract or bladder, and diseases such as diabetes that suppress the body's immune system.

UTIs show a number of symptoms, but not everyone will have all of them. First and foremost is a painful, burning sensation in the urinary tract and/or bladder while urinating. There is a frequent need to urinate, but usually there is very little urine. What urine there is will be milky or cloudy, or perhaps even have some blood in it. The smell will be unpleasant.

There will sometimes be a feeling of tiredness and weakness and back pain. If the infection has reached the kidneys there may be fever, nausea and vomiting.

Symptoms of urinary tract infections in men over 50 are harder to diagnose. An abrupt change in behavior is the best sign. This infection causes stress to the rest of the body, and can show itself as mood swings and bad temper--especially in people who already have dementia. Incontinence, going to the bathroom more often than normal, nausea and vomiting, and coughing and shortness of breath can also be signs. Fever is an indication of a serious infection.

Antibiotics are used in contemporary medicine to treat the symptoms of urinary tract infections. Bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics over the years, making it necessary to prescribe ever stronger drugs. These drugs kill the good bacteria along with the bad, in turn causing other types of infection. If you are being treated with drugs for an infection other than a uti, you can end up with a urinary tract infection because the "good" bacteria are gone as well.

Buchu and bearberry leaf are the most-used natural uti remedies. Buchu, found in southern Africa, has essential oils and flavonoids that cleanse and balance the entire urinary tract. Bearberry leaf has cleansing properties, but it also tones and tightens the walls of the urinary tract, making it harder for the bacteria to embed themselves. These two herbs are often used in combination with other herbs and homeopathic remedies to soothe the body and provide immune system support. A natural uti remedy can be used two or three times a year to balance the whole urinary tract system and prevent an occurrence--or recurrence. There are generally no down side effects to natural remedies unless you have an allergy to one of them. This should be checked with your physician or naturopath before you staring using them.

Male urinary tract infections should be taken seriously. Don't try to tough it out; it is an infection that won't go away on its own. Natural remedies can help you flush out the bacteria while balancing your body's systems quickly and without unwanted side effects.

(c) Debra Higgins, 2008

Debra Higgins has been researching herbal and homeopathic remedies for physical and mental health for many years. Visit her website at Four Seasons Herbal Shop to find her choice for urinary tract health.

At Home Colon Cleanse, is That For You?

An at home colon cleanse is one of the several ways you can do colon cleansing. It comes with it's own pros and cons. In this article, we will see why you need to look at all the reasons for doing a colon cleanse from your home.

Colon cleansing becomes a necessity because of the lifestyle changes that have occurred in this twenty first century. We think that it is cool to consume a lot of packaged foods and foods prepared with white flour and sugar.

If you don't agree with me, let me ask you a simple question. How many sodas have you drank in the past 72 hours? How many times did you frequent a fast food joints in the past week?

Our food habits make us collect a lot of junk in the form of excess mucous and hard debris, and they occupy the colon as thick wall of fecal matter. Please forgive the pun here, though it is intended.

There are many type of colon cleansing products that are available in the market and many of them comes with easy to follow instructions on how to do colon cleansing, the effective way. You should make sure that you read the testimonials before buying any of them. The fact that they come with a money back guarantee does not make the risk go away. You will get back the money. But what happens if you harm yourself in the process?

You can changes in your food habits and eat lot of fibre,vegetables and fresh juice. Drinking a lot of water is universally recommended by all.

If you are looking to do colon cleansing, then you can read about the secret colon cleansing strategy of Indian farmers who have the lowest instance of colon cancer. It may be strange but it's true.

Reflexology For Stress Relief

Reflexology is based on the Chinese belief that a vital energy, called chi, flows through the body along paths known as meridians. As long as this energy flows smoothly, the body is in balance. If the flow becomes blocked for whatever reason, the body is out of balance and becomes stressed. Reflexology is a tool in which certain movements are implemented to restore the energy balance.

According to reflexology, all the organs and parts of the body are mapped on the feet and hands. The left side of the body is mapped on the left hand and foot while the right side of the body is reflected on the right hand and foot. Applying pressure to the zones of the feet and hands will result in a physical change in the body.

Kevin and Barbara Kunz, international authorities in the field of reflexology, take the basic premise a little further. According to their theory, when the body is stressed, it enters a "fight or flight" state. This brings about an adrenal surge that enables the body to respond effectively to a sudden emergency.

However, the flight will be done with the feet and the hands will be used to fight. There are nerve sensors in the feet and hands, which communicate the individual's choice to the other parts of the body. Reflexology can manipulate the various nerve endings to interrupt the stress signals and effect relaxation thereby reducing the stress.

Practitioners of reflexology first use a series of touch techniques to assess signs of stress by judging the patient's sensitivity to the practitioner's touch. This allows the reflexologist to determine the areas of stress and implement the techniques that will provide relief to these areas. These techniques all involve the use of the finger, thumb and hand to apply pressure to the designated areas.

Unlike other forms of massage therapy, oils and creams are not used. The patient usually sits in a chair and removes only socks and shoes. Sessions are scheduled in time increments of thirty minutes to an hour. Both feet will be treated using pressure, stretch and movements. A reflexology treatment is usually applied to the entire foot.

Reflexology differs from ordinary foot massage in that it works through the nervous system applying the techniques to the reflex points in the hands and feet.

When the session is completed, the patient should feel relaxed. How long one can remain in this state of relaxation depends on the effectiveness of the session.

One does have to be careful in the choice of a practitioner. There are many schools available, which offer short classes that do not deliver all the information a qualified practitioner should know.

There is a Reflexology Association of America, which certifies practitioners after they have passed a comprehensive exam. They maintain a list of certified practitioners which can be accessed from their website. The association is also active in research and education.

At this time there is considerable controversy as to whether reflexology is useful in treating other forms of disease. Consequently, several research studies have been and are now being conducted.
But the benefits of reflexology is easing stress have already been documented and one can safely employ it for that purpose.

Women and Addiction

Addiction in Women

Best Colon Cleanse Pills - Are Herbal Colon Cleansing Pills Better?

Constipation is never a good thing to deal with. It makes a person uneasy and worried. Just imagine a balloon that's filled with air but couldn't burst. Several people suffer from constipation and they'll surely attest that they are too uncomfortable with the condition. This condition likewise ranges from the mild to the severe form.

The main culprit which causes the irregular bowel movement and constipation is the narrowing of the passageway and the blockage in the colon. This is the result of the compacted undigested food and unreleased waste materials which have formed in the colon over the past years. Studies also reveal that colon cancer can be brought about by certain unhealthy eating habits and irregular bowel movement. As time passes, this buildup turns into toxins that aggravate the potential development of diseases inside the body.

The best colon cleanse pills are prescribed by many health specialists as they are known to help in the regulation of the bowel movement. They are similarly recognized to provide relief to the pains caused by constipation.

Medical companies manufacture a variety of pills and they differ according to their compositions. One is made of higher chemical content while the other is composed of herbal compounds. The pills which are made up of higher amount of chemicals artificially promote easier digestion and waste elimination.

Meanwhile, some studies reveal the downside of the use of the pills with high chemical content. According to them, the body would fail to comply with the natural way to pass the feces. As a major concern, they advice that the best colon cleanse pills to use are those which are comprised of the natural herbal components.

They contain organic laxatives and the soluble and insoluble fibers which are principally needed in the bowel movement.

Furthermore, the herbal component in the best colon cleanse pills improve the condition of those who suffer from gas, cramps, bloating, infections, and many other unwanted conditions brought about by constipation.

If you are looking for the best natural colon cleansing product, i highly recommend Bowtrol Colon Cleanse. Click here to read my bowtrol review.

The Stress Buster That You Can Multi-Task

Stress is a fact of life in today's high tech society. There are simply not enough hours in the day to accomplish all that we need to do. So we fall behind and that stresses us. Then, because of the stress, we are less efficient so we fall further behind. And now we are caught up in a vicious circle. While there are methods of relieving stress most of these require some time and we don't have the time. But there is one stress reliever that we can use without taking time out and that is where aromatherapy enters the picture.

Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic oils, called essential oils, in high concentrations to relieve that stressed out feeling. The oils are all plant derivatives and are safe to use. Their use has a long history. It is believed that it started in China however the early Egyptians also delved into aromatherapy. Marguerite Maury, a French beautician who was also a biochemist, pioneered the use of essential oils for massage and skin care.

You can dab a few drops of oil on a handkerchief, a pillow, or a piece of cotton pinned inside your blouse or shirt. Inhaling it will have a calming effect. Also, depending on the oil you choose, inhalation can help the congestion caused by sinus infections and colds. Or for a pleasing aroma in your home or office, place three drops of oil in the water filled tray of a burner.

Since we don't let our busy schedules interfere with cleansing our bodies, we can also add a few drops of oil to warm bath water and enjoy a relaxing bath. And, although it does require time out, an aromatic massage is a wonderful relaxing experience.

The oils are available in a variety of scents and it is recommended that you purchase only high quality oils from a specialist in the field. Someone skilled in the practice of aromatherapy can help find the perfect oil for you even if it involves blending oils. These stores also stock the paraphernalia to accompany the use of the oils such as trays, burners and vaporizing rings.

Lavender is a very popular scent. Other scents that have a calming effect are: bergamot, chamomile, frankincense, geranium, jasmine, and juniper. Eucalyptus and hyssop are good for relieving congestion from a cold. Tea tree oil is an antiseptic with cleansing qualities so it is helpful for deodorizing and sanitizing a room. However, sniff a variety, and choose the scent you love.

If you are going to enjoy a massage with an aromatic oil, you will need a carrier oil. Aromatic oils full strength should not be applied directly to the skin. Always mix in another oil. Two recommended oils are sweet almond oil and grapeseed oil. Grapeseed oil is inexpensive and readily available in drug stores and super markets. The recommended mixture is twenty drops of the aromatic oil to two ounces of the carrier oil.

Aromatic oils should be kept out of the reach of children and you should never swallow any of the essential oils unless directed by a medical practitioner.

The beauty of the essential oils is that they can be used to relieve stress while you work.

Recovery from Drugs

Recovery from Alcohol