Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How to Stop Excessive Sweating - 3 Ways to Beat Excessive Sweating

Embarrassing topics such as how to stop excessive sweating are not commonly discussed in social gatherings. However, that doesn't mean such a condition doesn't exist. It can be downright uncomfortable, especially when you always have to work with other people.

Excessive perspiration (also called hyperhidrosis) is not just caused by one specific agent. If you happen to experience something like this and want to know how to stop excessive sweating, then this article might provide the cure to solve your excessive perspiration problems.

1) Begin with the basics.

If you aren't using an anti-perspirant, now is the time to start. Most anti-perspirants also come with a deodorant feature as well, so you won't have to smell like sweat.

If you're already using one and it's not working, try changing your brand. Not all anti-perspirants are created with the same level of aluminum chloride. Regular anti-perspirants will contain no more than 25% of it. However, there are others (not available over-the-counter), which contain a higher amount.

2) Ask for an oral prescription.

One way on how to stop excessive sweating is by asking for an oral prescription. This is a lot less intrusive than others. It's important for you to know you have this option.

There are many different oral medications for excessive sweating, depending on the nature of your case. For example, your doctor might prescribe certain brands of Anticholinergics for general sweating. However, you should also consider the side effects these prescriptions might have.

3) Surgery

Another option on how to stop excessive sweating is surgery. There are different ways a doctor can deal with your case. Some might cut or scrape your sweat glands out, while others might actually try to disable nerves responsible for body sweating.

Make surgery your last option though, as it is going to be more expensive (and physically painful) than the others.

Presented above are different methods on how to stop excessive sweating. Whichever route you wish to take, always keep your health and safety in mind.

Want to know a very easy method to excessive underarm sweating? Discover the simple secret that a former extreme sweating victim has used to permanently cure his embarrassing sweating problem at http://www.squidoo.com/sweatyarmpitscure


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