Cold Sore Remedies Information
Cold sores are caused by virus which is commonly known as herpes simplex virus type 1. Actually, there is no real cure for cold sore, but for cold sore remedies, there are many antiviral medications that can be prescribed to treat the infection. If you have cold sore as caused by virus, there may not be much that you can do to take the virus away, but you can do many simple ways to prevent it from coming back.
Immune system is the key to a healthy skin and physical condition. Cold sores are prevalent to people with weaker immune system. Antiviral medications to treat herpes viruses use viral replication to provide chances for the immune response to intervene.
Antiviral medications for cold sore remedies are available in oral drugs. Among the antiviral drugs are acyclovir, valaciclovir, famciclovir, and penciclovir. All of these are now available in generic brands for affordability. Some of these drugs have improved solubility in water.
Antiviral medications also come in topical treatments or cream for direct application to the infected area. Some antiviral creams can prevent and block the herpes simplex virus from intermingling to other cell membranes. Some antiviral medications are also available in gel form. It can stop the virus from entering and spreading into the skin cells. Topical analgesic is also available in the pharmacies. It serves as a shield of the skin and prevents the increase in size of cold sores.
There are also traditional and natural cold sore remedies. Among the natural remedies are aloe vera extract, herb chaparral, grapefruit seed extract, camphor, myrrh, tea, lemon balm, cornstarch, Vaseline, yogurt, and ice. Gentle rubbing and regular application of these natural remedies to the affected area may soothe the sore and speed the healing process.
Some of the vitamins and minerals are also proven to aid in the treatment of cold sores. Taking daily dose of vitamins such as vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E, L-lysine, folic acid, Zinc, and other minerals that can improve your body resistance, are advised by medical specialist. It will not only boost your immune system to fight the virus, it will also improve your antibodies to stop and hinder the cold sores from coming back frequently.
Prevention is always better than cure, especially if the disease is caused by viruses. To prevent frequent recurrence of cold sore, involve yourself in a good eating habit by eating fruits and vegetables and by drinking milk regularly. You should also get enough sleep and avoid being stressed out because it triggers the cold sores to appear. Another advice is to avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen protection especially to the areas where cold sores appear.
Cold sores are contagious, so to protect other family members, who do not have cold sores from being infected as well, do not allow them to share utensils, glass, beddings, clothes, personal things, and towels. As much as possible, boost their immune system while they are not yet infected, by giving them vitamin supplements and healthy choice of foods.
Cure your cold sores or herpes simplex type I naturally from the comfort of your own home without using worthless creams and over-the-counter medicines:
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