Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Colon Cleanse Diet is Affordable

Natural mechanism of body would not harm the health of human, but this natural mechanism is disturbed by the improper diet habits of human. Yet this nature helps to get rid of dirty colon through some particular food items. It's a responsible of each human to aware about the diet habit to prevent and to cure the colon system problems. This is your turn to get information about colon diets.

Because of the irregular food habits, gradually undigested wastages are deposited in the wall of the colon, finally its blocks the elimination of wastages from the body. This leads colon to re circulate the wastage back in to the body system which it corrupt all the system. In this stage body unable to absorb the necessary nutrients and vitamins to sustain the health of the body.

Human suffers so many diseases due to the dirty colon. Vaginal yeast infections, Bladder and kidney infections, body odour, abdominal cramps, bad breath, or toe and fingernail fungus, skin and hair problems are diseases caused by abnormal colon system. Some diseases improve as lives threaten diseases like cancer if colon system is not treated at the correct time.

To get rid of colon system diseases very few powerful methods are followed by so many peoples. One method is usage of reputable colon cleansing products of course some products are proved to be effective and used by many peoples. Packed herbs for colon cleansing are very popular method. Though these methods are very useful some people felt it's all costly.

But colon dieting is very much affordable to all kind of people hence its completely based on food items they no need to spend extra money to cleanse the colon. Some products results in side effects and the serious side effects is damage of colon because of excess of senna. But no possibilities for side effects in colonic diet.

Improper diet and food habits are root cause for the abnormal colon system. Again colon system can be recovered trough healthy diet habits. The food items like red meat, too much in taken of diary products and junky foods lead to the sediment of stool in the system itself. So diet should be balanced to make each system in the body to function properly.

Only through the proper digestion body can consume the necessary nutrients and vitamins needed by several part of the body. Diet should be in such manner of easy digestion. Water plays a vital role in making the digestion process and quick and easy. Developing the habit to drink excess of water nourishes the complete body not only the digestive system.

Debris in the colon are completely sweep by fiber rich diets. Both soluble and insoluble fibers are essential for the cleansing of colon. The process of eliminating the wastage is corrected by this insoluble fiber. Harmful bacteria are removed from colon by soluble fibers. Fibers spread moisture in the colon and soften the stool. Other foods high in soluble fiber include beans, peas, rice, barley, citrus, strawberry and apples. Foods high in insoluble fiber include whole wheat, rye, brown rice, beets and apple (with skin).

Following are the food items are rich in fibers

  • Rice
  • Citrus
  • Apples
  • Beans
  • Barley
  • Peas
  • Strawberry
  • Barley
  • Carrots
  • Turnips
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussels sprouts

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Get Aware of Best Colon Cleansing Methods

Dirty colon system is source for all diseases of human. Proper functioning of digestive is not possible unless the colon system is clean. Following a proper method of colon cleansing is very important to all human beings to prevent the body from various diseases. There are few constant methods to clean the colon system. Based on the health condition of the individual suitable method is chosen to properly clean the colon.

Before analyzing the methods to clean the colon it's necessary to understand what causes this dirty colon. Junk foods is not properly digested by the system of the body, gradually after some months this improper digestion sediments the wastages in the walls of colon. Finally wastages block the colon and constipation occurs. Fiber deficiency in the food habit of human is main cause for dirty colon. Fiber is vital nutrient for good digestion and for the constant transit time.

Improper functioning of colon system causes diseases like, chronic constipation, irritable bowl syndrome, fecal matter which blocks the natural elimination of waste from body, bad breathe, body odour, abdominal cramps, Acid reflux (GERD),Bloating, Chronic fatigue. Over all unclean colon system completely contaminate the whole system of the body in gradual.

In few methods of colon cleaning, usage of colon product is very popular. Following are some famous products for colon cleansing.

  • Colonix by Dr Natura
  • Bowtol
  • Oxy-Powder
  • 7 Day Miracle Cleanse

In the Dr. Natura all natural ingredients are used but draw back of this product is extreme use of senna some time cause damage of colon. But it's a very reputable product among people. Oxy powder is long lasts product for colon cleansing, the basic ingredient of oxy powder is magnesium its not act as scrub to clean the colon it dissolve the stool so that it easily come out of the body. Award of excellence in 2007 is won by oxy powder product. Bowtol is the product which includes the ingredients senna and cascara sagrada, but this product is not that much reputable than other.

The other cleansing product is 7 day miracle cleanse, which is very cheap than other famous product in the market its ingredients are completely extraction of natural elements main two elements are pepper mint and cascara sagrada. All these products any way help to clean the colon system. This is also one of the methods in colon cleansing.

Herbs contributes so much for human health Aloe leaf, cascara sagrada, cayenne pepper and senna, ginger, Rhubarb, Psyllium, Bentonite are herbs used for colon cleansing. Even packed herbs are also available in market. Colonics enemas are very old method followed till today which gives good results. Colon diet is very beneficial than other methods.

Including fennel and garlic in the food purify the colon quickly it also removes the gastric problems. Fibers content food items such as wheat, oat, rice, cereal are very useful in colon cleansing.These are the best colon cleansing method to get soon recover from the dirty colon.

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Vinegar For Toenail Fungus

The common fungal infection on the toe nail is due to sweats and warm around the toe while wearing shoes, as kind of fungi that can grows well in moist warm atmosphere. This sort of atmosphere appears in swimming pools floors while walking on these funguses penetrates into the skin and affects the toe nails. This atmosphere continues by wearing shoes and not by keeping our toes dry which rapidly increases the growth of the fungus around the toes and affects the toe nails.

Several costly and effective toenail fungal treatment chemical products available around the world, which treat fungi for longer period to get cure and needs to spend huge amount. Many of these products leave side effects on the skins which need to spend separate time and amount to cure such effects.

Home remedies for treating fungi are more effective and needs to spend fewer amounts and less time to cure the infection. Truly home remedies made it possible to cure fungal infection within a week. There are several home remedies for treating toenail fungus among those the most cheapest and effective way of treating fungus is by vinegar for toe nail fungus.

The citrus concentrate can quickly destroy the fungus through its antibacterial property. The citrus burns the fungus and removes the dead cells that got accommodated on the nail surface which results as patches on the nail. It first removes the patches and slowly removes the dead cells inside the skin invokes the regeneration of new cells which induces growth of inner fresh skin which retains the normal nail condition back.

This natural citrus concentrate which is highly present in vinegar for toe nail fungus kill the fungus on the toe nails. Take a clean cotton ball dip it well in the vinegar rub it on the affected nail in and around the surface. These citrus concentrates deeply penetrates inside the skin and kill off the fungus. One more remedy, soak your toenails for approximately 10-15 minutes in warm water with mixture of equal proportion of vinegar and dry your toes thoroughly.

Vinegar for toe nail fungus deeply cleanses your nail deep inside the skin. Since, this fungus grows under the nail and rapidly increases its growth according to the moist atmosphere around your nails. Since vinegar for toe nail fungus keeps your nail dry even after applying which reduces moist atmosphere. Vinegar for toe nail fungus can be applied on your toe skin at nay time, even at any condition. Apply twice a day as per the infection ratio for best results and faster treatment.

Once treatment gets over, to avoid the return of infection keep your toes dry, wear clean cotton shocks. Keep your shoes dry by spraying a little amount of powder inside your shoes. If your shocks get wet keeping replacing your shocks with dries one. Make proper ventilation for your toe's skin to take breath a better way to avoid toe sweats. Don't walk over wet floors with fare foots wear sandals.

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Bleach to cure nail fungus

Venapro - Does it Work?

If you have been dealing with hemorrhoids with no seeming solution in sight, Venapro may be just the answer you have been waiting for. If you are suffering, you know the misery when you have to use the restroom, the embarrassment that comes from using the famous donut pillow, and the inconvenient itching, bleeding and burning. This product is a two-part homeopathic and natural supplement remedy that promises to give relief to your misery.

Venapro is a trusted company that has been in business since 2002, and is a product of the National Products Association. The company's mission statement is "To deliver the highest quality health and beauty products with the best value to our customers", and it seems as if they have done the part.

Why use a homeopathic hemorrhoid remedy? Homeopathic homeopathic hemorrhoid medicine is processed and diluted many times. It was created based on the law of similars, which believes that like cures like. Homeopathic medicine is taken under your tongue, where it quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Venapro is an all natural blend the triggers the immune system to calm the very symptoms you are having.

The second part of the Venapro program is the natural supplement. This is a capsule designed to help with symptoms that contribute to hemorrhoids. The official website goes into explicit detail about how each herb works to make your body function properly. It's simple to take. Only one capsule, twice daily, of course, with plenty of water. This product is all natural, so it is safe to take with other medicines and has no known side effects.

It may take a little time to see results from this product, but don't let that deter you. Venapro offers a 90-day return policy if you are not satisfied with their product, and reviews make it sound like a positive alternative treatment if you are looking for something to treat pamper your bottom with. With such a good return policy and great reviews, order yours today. Get this product to start working for you.

Click Here for Venapro. Venapro is the hemorrhoid solution you've been looking for!

Siberian Ginseng Root Enhances Sexual Desires, Slows Aging and Fights Colds

Ginseng is a perennial plant that grows between 7 to 21 inches in height when wild. Each plant takes over 5-6 years to grow but the roots can live for over 100 years. The root is creamy yellow or white resembling a parsnip with rootlets that branch off sometimes in the shape of a person. It grows naturally on the slopes of ravines and shady, well drained, mountainous, hardwood forests. The root is the part that is consumed. Ginseng is the most widely used herb in the Orient.

Ginseng is found in three types. American and Siberian ginseng are popular in North America. American ginseng grows from Quebec to Minnesota and to the south to Georgia and Oklahoma. The third kind, oriental or Korean ginseng, is the most widely used ginseng in the world. Some claim that American ginseng roots have a cooling quality while oriental ginseng warms the body. Siberian ginseng is not a true ginseng but has similar effects. The Chinese named the herb from two words meaning "Man Plant" since the root often gives the form of a person.

The benefits of ginseng have been known for thousands of years. The benefits include being used as an adaptogen, which means it stabilizes physical functioning as needed. Ingredients in ginseng include 27 ginsenocides that enable ginseng to balance and counterbalance the effects of stress. It can be used to lower high blood pressure and also to raise low blood pressure. Ginseng also increases performance and energy levels in people that are constantly exhausted. Those who are recovering from an illness, people with a heavy work load or those that always feel run down aare first to praise the effects of the herb.

Ginseng tea and the powder contain vitamins A, B-6 and Zinc which helps in the functioning of the immune system. Ginseng is used to increase estrogen levels in women and to treat menopause symptoms. It is also used to stimulate the heart and blood vessels. This improves memory as well.

A list of things ginseng is used to treat might include colds, coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, diabetes, anemia insomnia, stress, headache, backache and double vision. Women find it helpful in normalizing menstruation and easing childbirth. Ginseng was used effectively as a mouth wash against Periodontal Disease which is a progressive destruction of the supporting structures of the teeth. Ginseng also counteracts fatigue without caffeine, and improves stamina. Medically, ginseng stimulates the immune system by also spurring the production of the body's own virus fighting chemicals.

Traditionally, ginseng has been used to enhance sexual desire by promoting sex hormone production. Recent research shows that regular use of Ginseng is helpful in the slowing down of the aging process. Ginseng's value is mainly as a preventative though it is also used by some in cures. It should be taken over a long period of time to stimulate rejuvenation and virility.

Root slices can be brewed slowly in a tea pot (silver or glass) for one hour. Generally a bitter tasting root indicates higher potency. Root slivers can also be added to soups or other dishes. In some preparations it is desirable to first grind your ginseng. The resulting powder can be used in meals or can be placed under your tongue where the high concentrations of blood vessels allow the ginsenocides to be absorbed directly into the blood stream. Also, try chewing the dried root like a piece of hard candy. A quick five minute soak in boiling water will make the root more palatable. The optimal dosage of ginseng is two or three grams a day. Ginseng tends to kick in after six weeks or so, and the most significant results can be seen after six months of use. This is especially true in people with pale unhealthy skin, lassitude, and depression.

Ginseng appears to be relatively safe. Korean ginseng is the most potent of the three types, so overdose of it is most possible. Most side effects, such as nervousness, dizziness, mood changes, insomnia, headache and loss of appetite are from people who take more than the recommended dosage. Some say to avoid ginseng if you are pregnant or nursing but others say it is safe for everyone. Of course, always remember to consult your physician before taking this or any other supplement.

There are several more benefits of Ginseng Root you should know. Visit More Than Alive, an online store for bulk herbs and a trusted resource where you can buy Ginseng Roots and learn about the great advantages your body will receive from this and many other herbs.

Best Antioxidant Foods

Antioxidant rich foods are nature's way of guiding us to a healthy life. Fresh fruits and vegetables should form an important part of our lives. It is not a question of whether we like them or not, it is a question of how we have evolved over thousands of years. It has only been in the last hundred years or so that we have changed our diets drastically; prior to that we had no option but to feed ourselves with natural foods.

In this evolutionary game, there are some foods that stand out because of the antioxidant molecules they contain. These molecules help keep our cells healthy and these cells that are healthy form natural barriers against the type of disease that is becoming more and more common in this day and age. Heart disease, diabetes and cancer are part and parcel of life in society today. Our eating habits, our lifestyle and the stress we live with make continuous inroads into our health.

As I write this, the financial crisis and recession is on - with no clear solutions. Up to 25% (and in many cases more) of pensions have been wiped out. And if that is not a formula for stress, I don't know what is.

Our resistance and immune system is under attack - so a major tip is to be more conscious of what we eat. To do this you have to know what is good, health wise.

There are many antioxidant rich foods and some of the richest are the following. It is always best to eat them fresh.


  • Berries

Berries are amongst the stars of the antioxidant cast. There are many different kinds but blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and raspberries stand out and are easy to find. They are full of different antioxidant molecules as well as vitamins, minerals and other elements that help our bodies grow and fight off diseases. An interesting side note is that these fruits are color rich and that color variety is a good rule of thumb to follow - vary your intake by colors.

  • Grapes

Grapes are also antioxidant rich and in fact red grapes out perform white. As we all now grapes are the basic ingredient for wines, but the suggestion here is to avoid excess and in fact eat fresh grapes or as a juice.

  • Bananas

Bananas are rich in potasium, which help against cramps, amongst other things. These are one of the more nutritious foods we have available.


  • Cruciferous Vegetables

These include cabbages, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. They are all antioxidant rich and have been linked to providing positive influence with reductions in cancer and heart diseases.

  • Tomatoes

Cooked tomatoes are better than those that have not passed through heat. Heat allows these antioxidant foods to release lycopene which can reduce the risks of certain cancers. Lycopene is more powerful then beta-carotene in aiding our bodies health. Tomatoes are great antioxidant foods because they can be used in a wide range of meals and can be a beverage.

  • Carrots

Carrots contain beta-carotene which is a healing agent that helps our bodies against cancer. Beta-carotene can be found in other yellow-orange fruits and vegetables. Similar to lycopene, beta-carotene is affected by heat and carrots and other vegetables are mode effective when cooked. These antioxidant foods are available worldwide.

The key to better health is to incorporate them into your family's daily diet making sure you eat them fresh and also vary the types of vegetables and fruits (this also helps to avoid boredom).

One final but important point is that antioxidants help keep you healthy, a natural preventive medicine if you like. But they are not a magical or even medical cure if the disease is already present.

Philip Robinson writes on many subjects including natural health and eco-living. In his blog Antioxidant Zone you will find much more information on antioxidants and how they help us maintain our health. To learn more visit: http://antioxidantzone.com

Learn How You Can Cure Your Sweaty Palms and Feet With This Simple Solution

If you want to discover the absolutely best technique to stop your palms and feet from sweating you have to read this article.

See, the biggest problem with cures for sweaty palms and feet is that the major companies want to sell their cures for thousands of dollars and continue making a lot of money off your condition.
I've had sweaty palms and feet for more then a decade and because of the embarrassment I felt about it I wanted to find a cure that would really make my palms and feet stop sweating.

It was when I really decided I'm not prepared to live with this condition anymore when I finally started noticing all the cures that are available. But the main problem with all the cures I've discovered was they cost an arm and a leg or that they simply didn't work. Something that I hoped will work was Aluminium Chloride solution in a form of creme but after applying it for some time I've noticed I don't experience any relief whatsoever from my sweating.

After learning that that cure simply doesn't work I've put a lot more time into research on how to get rid of sweaty palms and feet and I've soon found about the iontophoresis treatments and to tell you the truth it looked really promising. I read about dozens and dozens of people who successfully cured their sweaty palms and feet so I've created my own iontophoresis machine because I just couldn't afford the commercial alternatives since they cost thousands of dollars.

Even though I hoped for the best and I was still highly doubtful it will work for me I've been fortunately proved wrong in just 5 days because my palms and my feet completely stopped sweating. I can not describe the happiness I felt when my palms and my feet were completely dry for the first time in my whole life even if I got anxious.

So STOP wasting your time and energy for remedies that never work. I've created a method that guarantees you'll get rid of sweaty palms and feet. Click here now to stop your palms and feet from sweating.

EFT - Free Alternative Health Care For Everyone?

In these economic times, health care is one of the biggest issues and concerns facing not only Americans, but people all over the world. Many people are actually being forced to choose between rent, food, and gas - or health care. Nobody should have to make such choices; but, even if you can afford health care and medical insurance, wouldn't it be nice if you could solve most of your problems at home - at no cost, risk free, and possibly in minutes rather than the time it takes to drive to the doctor's office and sit and wait and be seen, etc? Believe it or not, EFT has given me, and many others, exactly that gift - free, safe, quick, and effective, do-it-yourself health care.

So, what is EFT; and why do I say it's free? Well, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a kind of "emotional acupressure" technique that helps turn-off the stress response and changes the way your body reads and responds to stressful or traumatic memories - just by thinking about the troubling issue or problem while tapping on some acupressure points. There's a little more to the technique than that, but not much. You can literally learn EFT in a few minutes. Best of all, thanks to some free manuals and demonstration videos, you can learn enough about EFT to use the technique effectively on many of your own issues, problems, and symptoms - for free. And, once you know the technique, you can use it any time you want. The technique is always the same; the problem, or focus is all that changes.

Best of all, EFT is not medicine; nor is it invasive in any way. Using EFT doesn't mean you can't approach illness the way you did in the past; it just means you don't have to - you have an easy alternative that's safe, inexpensive, and highly effective with EFT. You can still go to the doctor's office when you are experiencing anxiety; but, if you use the EFT technique on the way there, you are likely to pull into the doctor's parking lot and wonder why you're there! EFT is not intended to replace medicine, or medical advice; but, since the APA has estimated that perhaps as many as 90% of all trips to the doctor's office are due to stress-related complaints, you've really got nothing to lose by tapping on your face and hands while calling your doctor - and you just might solve your own problems.

Developed in the mid-'90s by Gary Craig, EFT has quickly become one of the most popular forms of alternative medicine in the world - used every day by a growing number of physicians, psychiatrists, and therapists of all types. But you don't have to be a physician to use EFT; anyone can learn this technique in minutes and begin using it to erase fears, phobias, allergic response, stress, anxiety, limiting beliefs, negative self-talk and even chronic health issues. College, Professional, Pan-Am, and Olympic athletes use EFT to help them with performance anxiety and distractions; and professional golfers use EFT to cure the "yips." EFT is an alternative that has worked for millions of people with thousands of different problems. EFT can be used on anything because it is painless, quick, and non-invasive; in fact, the worst thing that can happen with EFT is that it just doesn't seem to work. Then, you're no worse off than you were when you started; and you're always free to address your situation from any direction you choose.

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: http://www.ExploreExpandEvolve.com/free_download/ (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears, phobias, allergies, chronic health issues, and limiting beliefs so you can get on with a healthier, happier, fuller life!)

Pete Koerner is a clinical hypnotherapist, EFT practitioner, and the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit: http://www.TheBeliefFormula.com

What You Don't Know About Alternative Medicine Could Kill You

Believe it or not, what you don't know about alternative medicine could cost you your life. Conventional Western allopathic medicine has been revealed to be one of the leading killers of Americans - when everything goes as it should - and alternative approaches to medical problems and complaints are becoming more and more common. But some people still don't know about some of the safe, easy, effective, and even free alternatives that could quickly eliminate many common medical problems for which the "traditional," pharmaceutical or surgical treatment could prove fatal. Don't you want to know your alternatives before you make a choice that could cost you your life?

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) has become more and more popular in the U.S. over the past years. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has established an entire division for the study of CAM; but, what exactly is it? CAM includes treatments, modalities, and techniques that aren't considered Conventional allopathic medicine, such as: Hypnotherapy, EFT, TAT, Z-Point, Kinesiology, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Energy Psychology, Natural and Herbal medicines, among many other well-known therapies and remedies - many of which gave rise to newer forms of treatment, and many of which are decidedly safer and more effective than what we now call, "traditional medicine."

Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) are considered "alternatives" here in America, despite the fact that they are thousands of years older than any of the very dangerous forms of "better living through chemistry" we practice in the West. China, in fact, accounts for perhaps a third of the world's population; and they've been thriving for thousands of years while here in America, since the relatively recent advent of patent medicine - and huge pharmaceutical corporations - the majority of us have become unhappy, unhealthy, and/or overweight (not to mention the fact that we have become addicted to multiple forms of stress management).

The fact is that all medicine is alternative medicine. You alone are responsible for your health and health care; and you have alternatives - only one of which is Western allopathic medicine. If you don't know how dangerous the pharmaceutical-based treatment of illness is, just look it up (search for a report by Gary Null, et al, on iatrogenic deaths); and if you didn't know you had choices, look that up, too. You have a ton of choices; and most of them are safer and more effective than what you have been taught is your only alternative, hope, or chance for survival in the event you became injured or ill. Doctors in the West aren't bad, or evil; they mean well, but just don't have very many options in the system they are currently operating in - and they were taught what they were taught and know only what they know (not what they don't know). Educate yourself about your health, your body, and your health care options and alternatives; knowledge is power, and what you don't know could get you killed by someone who's just trying to help.

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: http://www.ExploreExpandEvolve.com/free_download/ (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears, limiting beliefs, phobias, and other problems that can be holding you back, keeping you sick, and diminishing your quality of life!) EFT can help you reclaim your health!

Pete Koerner is a clinical hypnotherapist, EFT practitioner, and the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit: http://www.TheBeliefFormula.com

What You Don't Know About Alternative Medicine Could Kill You

Believe it or not, what you don't know about alternative medicine could cost you your life. Conventional Western allopathic medicine has been revealed to be one of the leading killers of Americans - when everything goes as it should - and alternative approaches to medical problems and complaints are becoming more and more common. But some people still don't know about some of the safe, easy, effective, and even free alternatives that could quickly eliminate many common medical problems for which the "traditional," pharmaceutical or surgical treatment could prove fatal. Don't you want to know your alternatives before you make a choice that could cost you your life?

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) has become more and more popular in the U.S. over the past years. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has established an entire division for the study of CAM; but, what exactly is it? CAM includes treatments, modalities, and techniques that aren't considered Conventional allopathic medicine, such as: Hypnotherapy, EFT, TAT, Z-Point, Kinesiology, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Energy Psychology, Natural and Herbal medicines, among many other well-known therapies and remedies - many of which gave rise to newer forms of treatment, and many of which are decidedly safer and more effective than what we now call, "traditional medicine."

Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) are considered "alternatives" here in America, despite the fact that they are thousands of years older than any of the very dangerous forms of "better living through chemistry" we practice in the West. China, in fact, accounts for perhaps a third of the world's population; and they've been thriving for thousands of years while here in America, since the relatively recent advent of patent medicine - and huge pharmaceutical corporations - the majority of us have become unhappy, unhealthy, and/or overweight (not to mention the fact that we have become addicted to multiple forms of stress management).

The fact is that all medicine is alternative medicine. You alone are responsible for your health and health care; and you have alternatives - only one of which is Western allopathic medicine. If you don't know how dangerous the pharmaceutical-based treatment of illness is, just look it up (search for a report by Gary Null, et al, on iatrogenic deaths); and if you didn't know you had choices, look that up, too. You have a ton of choices; and most of them are safer and more effective than what you have been taught is your only alternative, hope, or chance for survival in the event you became injured or ill. Doctors in the West aren't bad, or evil; they mean well, but just don't have very many options in the system they are currently operating in - and they were taught what they were taught and know only what they know (not what they don't know). Educate yourself about your health, your body, and your health care options and alternatives; knowledge is power, and what you don't know could get you killed by someone who's just trying to help.

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: http://www.ExploreExpandEvolve.com/free_download/ (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears, limiting beliefs, phobias, and other problems that can be holding you back, keeping you sick, and diminishing your quality of life!) EFT can help you reclaim your health!

Pete Koerner is a clinical hypnotherapist, EFT practitioner, and the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit: http://www.TheBeliefFormula.com

Free Alternative Health Care - Learn to Solve Many Common Problems With Over 350-Free EFT Videos

When I say, "Free Health Care," I mean it. Do you want to know what I do when I feel a pain or physical symptom? I use one of the many alternative health care techniques I've learned over the years; and one of my favorites is EFT. Thanks to Gary Craig, and dozens of EFT practitioners around the world, you can learn EFT for free and begin reclaiming your own health and happiness. Would you like to learn how to use EFT to solve dozens of common physical and emotional problems? Then check out over 350-EFT videos - for free!

Don't underestimate the power or effectiveness of EFT; the people giving away this instruction are trying to change the world for the better. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a very effective technique for overcoming or eliminating most common problems - physical, emotional, and psychological. EFT is being used around the world by physicians, psychiatrists, life coaches, lay persons, and therapists of all types and disciplines, to address many common health problems - even some considered "incurable." EFT is used by professional and elite athletes to achieve peak performance; and it is used by executives to overcome such things as fear of public speaking or fear of flying - both of which could be crippling to the career of a business person.

Though EFT is not considered to be medicine, or medical treatment; EFT is perfectly safe to try on anything and everything. The worst thing that can happen with EFT is that nothing happens. EFT is easy to learn and use; and, with at least two-free manuals and hundreds of free videos available, there is no cost or risk for you to learn to use EFT. No gimmicks, no catches. The information is free; and you only need yourself and your problems to give it a try. To see hundreds of examples of EFT being used to resolve many common problems, just visit YouTube and do a search for, "EFT." There are over 350-free videos on YouTube demonstrating the clinical and practical application of EFT on a wide variety of issues, problems, symptoms, and conditions. Download the free EFT manuals available online; and watch the videos as you follow along with them. It only takes a few minutes to learn this simple, but powerful, technique.

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: http://www.ExploreExpandEvolve.com/free_download/ (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears, phobias, symptoms, and limiting beliefs that could be holding you back and robbing you of your quality of life!)

Pete Koerner is a clinical hypnotherapist, EFT practitioner, and the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit: http://www.TheBeliefFormula.com